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Bishop Ambrose Griffiths tought that Christ - when He condemned divorce, love affairs, cheating wives, separation and infidelity - rejected some of the neediest people in society.

Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle (Retired 24 May 2004) embraced feminism and apologised for Christ’s teaching on adultery.

Divorce & separation - 1Bishop Ambrose Griffiths was born on the 04/12/1928; ordained priest 21/07/1957; ordained bishop of Hexham and Newcastle by Archbishop Worlock (the arch-Modernist who brought the Liverpool archdiocese to its knees and Godfather of the present hierarchy) on the 20/03/1992.

Catholic bishop cancels Mass obligation of the faithful!

Ambrose Griffiths is the Modernist prelate who in 1999, within weeks of the Holy Father publishing his celebrated encyclical on the importance of keeping Sunday holy, cancelled the Mass obligation of the faithful so that they could attend a service in an Anglican church led by Dr David Jenkins, a former Anglican "Bishop" of Durham and an arch-heretic even by the slap-stick standards of Anglicanism.  True to form, the public heretic used the opportunity to make a crack about papal infallibility being "ridiculous".

This service was allegedly organized to promote unity!  One of the more odd articles of blind faith of ecumaniacs is that the more we climb into bed with Protestants (i.e. the followers of a heresy which has splintered into over 3000 warring sects within 400 years of launch) the more united we will become!  Which is rather like arguing that the best way to avoid catching AIDS is to go to bed with someone who is already badly infected.

Catholic bishop promotes dissent and tells the orthodox to mind their own business

Dr Jack Dominian was invited to speak following a liturgical celebration by Ambrose Griffiths at Our Lady Queen of Peace in Penshaw.  Dr Jack Dominian is one of the more arrogant doyens of post-conciliar Judases and a man who has for thirty years publicly campaigned against the teachings of the Church on a raft of issues.  Orthodox Catholics were further scandalized by the fact that Ambrose Griffiths sat in the sanctuary throughout the talk (described by one Catholic attending as the usual predictable cocktail of banality and psychobabble) nodding his agreement and grinning inanely - even when Dominian spoke of sexual intercourse in front of small children in terms which left absolutely nothing to the imagination!

Pro Ecclesia, responding to complaints received about the above from Catholics in the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, wrote a polite letter to bishop Griffiths.  His response was predictably boorish and unsatisfactory, stating, "...what happens in this diocese is really none of your business."  The bishop clearly believes that when caught with his dissenting cassock round his ankles, the best line of defense is attack.  The replies received by orthodox Catholics within the diocese were no more satisfactory.  One couple received an astonishing rejoinder in which Ambrose Griffiths praised the public heretic's talk at Penshaw and then incredibly added, "I know he has sometimes dissented from the Church's teachings, but I don't think for that reason we should condemn him out of hand, but rather rejoice in the great good he has done..."  Bishop Griffiths then added, "lay people, and especially academics, must have the freedom to speak what they believe to be true, even if it doesn't agree with Church teaching at the time."  This freedom of speech doesn't of course extend to the orthodox, who had already been rudely told to mind their own business.

One can only assume that the busy bishop has never got round to reading the decrees of Vatican II, for section 25 of Lumen Gentium, the council's decree on the Church, states that bishops have a duty to protect their flocks from error.  Our Ambrose appears to have completely lost the plot, preferring instead to personally promote error.  But most informed Catholics must be aware by now that the decree's of Vatican II are routinely presumed not to apply to the grinning hirelings who currently sit on English sees.

Catholic bishop apologizes for the Christ's and His Church's stance against adultery.

On Saturday 24th March, Bishop Ambrose Griffiths invited people who are separated and divorced to his Cathedral for a special service. The Cathedral was packed and Bishop Griffiths took it upon himself (arrogantly claiming to speak in the name of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which he accused of being guilty of "rejecting some of the most needy people in society") to beg these people’s forgiveness.

 All of us know Catholics who have undergone the trauma of separation and divorce, and we all know that the Church never rejects them in any way, shape or form, so Griffiths can only be referring to the Church teaching on those who have illicitly "remarried".

  1. Canon 915 warns that those who "obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion."

  2. The Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio (1981) states in paragraph 84 that this ruling applies to those who are "remarried"

  3. and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992) reaffirms this in paragraph 1650.

  4. In their letter Annus Internationalis Familiae (1994), the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reiterated this teaching yet again

  5. and so did the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts in their Declaration (2000).

Rome could not have made this much clearer and it could not be otherwise, as marriage is for life. Our Blessed Lord said that anyone who puts away a legitimate spouse and lives with another as if married, commits adultery.  Adultery is a very serious sin and as St Paul warns, those who receive Holy Communion in serious sin "eat and drink condemnation unto themselves".  So for their own sake, divorced and "remarried" people must not receive Holy Communion.

"Catholic" bishop rejects Christ's teaching on marriage

Bishop Griffiths launched a further attack on the Catholic faith in an article in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle.  He admitted that "remarrying" after divorce was "technically [SIC] wrong", but then went on to say "a second marriage may in fact help them become a better person"!  So there you have it - a "Catholic" bishop states that adultery and ignoring the teaching of our Blessed Lord can make you a better person!   He went on to say "There is a massive contradiction between the Church's laws on marriage vows and its compassionate teaching."  This is of course not merely nonsense, but nonsense on stilts!  There is no contradiction in the Church’s position, because true compassion for others must always put their eternal salvation before any temporal consideration.  He also sent out the typical confused signals of the Modernists to the divorced and "remarried" by saying "I cannot welcome them to Communion but neither can I refuse them if their own conscience is clean." 

Ecumenism prostituted into the service of radical feminism

Griffiths has recently endorsed a building share with an Anglican church in Stockton on Tees.  The Church of England could easily have shared with one of the many other Anglican churches around, but Griffiths' ultra-feminist Ecumenical Officer, Bernadette Askins, seized on the opportunity to further her radical Catholic Women's Network aims to promote women's ordination and intercommunion.  There is a bevy of women vicars in Stockton, so it is only a matter of time before one is presiding at the Anglican "Eucharist" in English Martyrs Catholic Church.  There are already two "tabernacles" in the sanctuary, one Catholic, containing Our Blessed Lord, and the other a wooden box containing Anglican bread.

Catholic bishop promotes Protestant convert scheme

Ambrose Griffiths is also, as one would expect of a prelate whose basic instincts appear about as Catholic as a Master Mason, an enthusiastic promoter of Alpha.

Christ's body hemorrhages away

During the regime of this hireling every indicator of the health of the body of Christ in his diocese has nose-dived - surprise, surprise!

Priests Down 20%
Mass attendance Down 28%
Baptisms Down 15%
Catholic Marriages Down 52%

One should also note from the above table that while our Modernist bishops bleat on about the shortage of priests that they themselves have engineered, Ambrose Griffiths has been losing his laity almost half again as fast!  So he actually now has more priests pro-rata then when he took office!


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Copyright: Cathud 2012 - Bishop Ambrose Griffiths | divorce, love affairs, cheating wives, separation, infidelity, feminism, adultery