Wind Turbines
All The Latest Scams From The Church
of You're Got to be Green
Graham Moorhouse, with very serious acknowledgement
to James Delingpole
Have you noticed that wind turbines
are everywhere? I don't just mean despoiling the
landscape, butchering bats and birds, vandalising beauty
spots and making filthy rich landowners, even more filthy
rich at our, the taxpayers’, expense. No,
I do mean everywhere: they turn up on ads on television,
especially those of oil companies anxious to convince
us that they’re going green; they turn up in children's,
including kindergarten children’s, textbooks and
projects; they turn up on the side of buses, cornflake
packets and ice cream cartons.
If we define religion as a set of beliefs
that dictate ones world view, then the new Green movement
is a religion. And just as the Catholics Church
builds cathedrals, so Greens build wind farms. Just
as the Palace of Versailles is a symbol of the once powerful
French monarchy, so wind turbines are the symbol of the
current power of the Green movement. They are designed
to coerce us into becoming devout members of their creed.
For as a means of generating electricity,
wind turbines are not just crap, they are crap on very
tall stilts. When the wind is blowing hard they
have to be shut down, when the wind is gentle (which
by perverse fortune is invariably so on the coldest days
of the year when power is most needed) they are of course
useless. They are in fact less than 30% efficient
on average, which makes them even less efficient than
electric cars, and that’s saying something.
Because they are so inefficient and
unreliable, one has to build a conventional power station,
either nuclear or powered by gas, oil or coal, as back
up. Now the real kicker is that one cannot close
down conventional power stations, so they have to be
kept ticking over on standby even on the rare occasion
when the wind turbines are producing significant electricity. Kicker
number two, power stations are working at their least
efficient when they are on stand-by. Thus the contribution
to reducing CO2 emissions of wind farms is somewhere
between zero and negligible. And we haven’t
even touched on the environmental damage: the poisonous
rare minerals they deplete, the wildlife they destroy
and the countryside they devastate.
no one mentions safety. There were 128 recorded
accidents in 2008, involving nine fatalities and fifteen
injuries. There were twenty-five instances of blade
failure in 2009. Pieces of blades have been thrown
up to 1300 meters. In Germany, pieces of blades
have gone through the roofs and walls of nearby buildings. Some
authorities are recommending a minimum distance between
turbines and occupied buildings of 2 km! This is
for public safety, and to help reduce the nuisance of
noise and shadow flicker. France has imposed a 500m
no-go zone around turbines: so they don't just blight
the landscape, they put it out of bounds! There
were a further sixteen recorded structural failures in
2009. These are probably less dangerous than blade
failures as the debris will presumably land nearer the
main structure than the bits from blade failures.
have we touched on the social and economic costs. Like
the loss of 3.7 jobs in the real economy for every one
job created in the “Green” economy according
to figures produced by Verso economics.
Wind farms are so demonstrably inefficient
that absolutely no one would be building them were it
not for massive government subsidies paid for by you,
the taxpayer; subsidies that are damaging our economy,
fuelling inflations and making our homes brutally expensive
to heat.
So why are we still building these
white elephants, or perhaps I should write, sacred cows? Easy! Wind
farms, like so many others things foisted on the long suffering
consumer by mendacious politicians, such as inflated air
fairs (the farting of domestic cattle releases more CO2
than all the world's airlines) and flickering yellow lights
that give one headaches, have absolutely nothing to do
with science or objective reality, and most certainly nothing
to do with common sense. They are just sacred cows,
the articles of blind faith of the world’s most powerful
new religion, the Church of Environmentalism. They
are living proof of the of G.K. Chesterton's statement
that “When you stops believing in God, you don’t
believe in nothing, you believe in anything.”
Perhaps you are one of those who have been sucked
in by this baloney - like CAFOD (The
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development) whose website urges donors "not
to drop the ball on climate change". It also urges
us to "email Chancellor George Osborne today ahead of important
climate change talks in Durham, South Africa later this year". What
they want him to do is anyone's guess; perhaps build some more
wind farms.
Don't feel to bad about being sucked
in, it is very easy to be swept along with what Dr Johnson
called "the clamour of the times." When
schools, universities, NGOs, churches, newspapers, the
BBC, big business and our political elite are all singing
from the same hymn sheet - that the world is experiencing
catastrophic global warming (sorry: climate change) owing
to man made CO2s, and that something must be done now!
- it takes a brave man to refuse to be swept along with
the current. All those experts can't be wrong ...
or can they?
Well they certainly are about wind farms,
and once you realise they are lying about wind farms,
why should you trust them about the rest of the package:
the supposed "consensus", global warming (which
has recently mysteriously morphed into "climate
change"), the threat to polar bears, rising sea
levels or the virtues of renewable energy?
The bottom line is that the whole global
warming industry is no more than a giant Ponzi scam,
preying on public gullibility, ignorance and guilt, and
backed by an array of vested interests from big business
to grant hungry scientists to Green campaign groups. As
for our political masters, they love it for the grandstanding
opportunities it provides, not to mention the perfect
excuse for more taxes, more regulations and yet more
control over our lives.
Consequently, I have enormous admiration
for Cardinal George Pell, the Catholic Archbishop of
Sydney, who when criticised by the Anglican church (a
community whose only raison d'etre is jumping on passing
bandwagons) responded: "Radical environmentalists
are more than up to the task of moralising their own
agenda and imposing it on people through fear. They
don't need church leaders to help them with this, although
it is a very effective way of further muting Christian
witness. Church leaders in particular should be
allergic to nonsense." He added, "I am
certainly sceptical about extravagant claims of impending
man-made climatic catastrophes. Uncertainties on climate
change abound ... my task as a Christian leader is to
engage with reality, to contribute to debate on important
issues, to open people's minds, and to point out when
the emperor is wearing few or no clothes." Amen
to that!
It takes courage to take a public stand
against a powerful, all-encompassing, incredibly intolerant
religion whose aficionados include everyone from Al Would-you-buy-a-used-car-from-this-man
Gore, His Highness the tree-hugging Prince of Wales and
- God help us! - Pope Benedict XVI himself. The
Pope appears to suffer from nice-guy syndrome, a debilitating
need to be liked - always dangerous tendency in a Christian
But Cardinal Peel is to be applauded
for sticking to his convictions. he has understood,
as many religious leaders have woefully failed to understand,
(and that includes your CAFOD and
the Pontifical Academy of Science) that the Church of
Environmentalism is the antithesis of the Christian view
of the world and man's place therein. There is a
line as straight as an arrow between Luther and environmentalism. Luther
led an assault against the authority of the Church Christ
founded. This lead 200 years later to the Masonic
inspired French Revolution that dethroned Christ Himself. Another
200 years and we have secular humanism, now God may not
even be mentioned in public discourse - but at least
man was still held in esteem. Finally, along come
the Greens; now man is no longer the pinnacle of creation,
but a parasite in Eden, to be culled by contraception,
abortion, sterilisation and God alone knows what else. They
worship not the living God but Gaia, the primordial Earth-goddess
of pagan Greece.
The economist Julian Simon spotted the
developing misanthropy in scientific text books. He
noted that in the past the description of birds included
evaluation of them from the perspective of mankind in
general and farmers in particular. A bird that was
beneficial to agriculture was more highly valued than
one that was detrimental to it. Now Books evaluate
humankind from the birds' perspective!
The high priests of the Church of Environmentalism
often seek to justify their nonsense by claim that it
is in the interest of future generations. Oh really! So
why are they at the front of the lobby that seeks to
deny us the joys of parenthood? Why are they making
energy more expensive and striving to de-industrialise
society though punitive legislation. Why are they
pushing through legislation that makes it harder for
business to prosper and grow? Why are they seeking
to deny future generations jobs, security and a better
standard of living?
Finally, why when the sun is entering
a solar minimum phase (which historically has always
heralded cold weather and poor harvest) are they still
banging on about global warming? And why, when
there has been no evidence of global warming since 1995
are they still banging on about it? Simple! They
are diabolically inspire misogamists, and global warming
(oops climate change) is the perfect excuse to harm the
human race by damaging the world economy.
Cardinal Pell is spot on: global warming
(oops! climate change) alarmism is the work of the Devil. Welcome
to the secular asylum.
Visit the Global
Warming Policy Foundation. The Global Warming
Policy Foundation is unique. They are an all-party
and non-party think tank and a registered educational
charity which, while open-minded on the contested science
of global warming, is deeply concerned about the costs
and other implications of many of the policies currently
being advocated. The Global Warming Policy Foundation
was launched by Lord Lawson and Dr Benny Peiser on
23 November 2009 in the House of Lords - in the run-up
to the Copenhagen Climate Summit.
Whilst they may not share my scepticism,
indeed scorn for the Church of Environmentalism, their
website does contain a saner and balanced assessment
of the issues raised than do most. |