"The Devil was
always a liar" -
We did take the Champs Elysees! But we did so peacefully!
On Sunday the 24 March 2013, what was possibly the largest demonstration in
French history took over the centre of Paris to protest
against gay "marriage" and adoption. The secularists responded by
ordering a news blackout and sending their police to tear-gas women
and children and the elderly. The German Nazi Party was also conceived
in the bowels of militant sodomites, and famously used similar methods
to deal with peaceful opposition. The picture show your typical enemies of
the state after having been tear-gassed An English friend
who lives in France, filed the following report:
Thanks for the regular news bulletins
from the UK. I've not heard how it went in Trafalgar Square, but
I can tell you the "disinformation machine" in France has been working overtime
As in January, there were well over
1 million people on the streets of Paris yesterday. If you know the
place, imagine the stretch of wide avenue leading off from the Arc de
Triomphe (avenue de la Grande Armée),
reaching the very large Porte Maillot (location of the Palais des Congrès
and the landmark hotel tower la Concorde), continuing over the Périphérique
into Neuilly-sur-Seine all the way along to La Défense (the towering
business quarter on the west of Paris). Protesters were also stretched
along the "Esplanade de la Défense" towards the "Grande Arche
de la Défense".
So, look it up on a map, picture it if you've ever been there, and then
look at the official figures given by the Interior Ministry of 300.000
people (less than the figure they gave in Jan of 340.000 !!!). You can
laugh or cry.
Then, pause. Because that was not
the full size of it. Because of the numbers, the protesters also filled
the several "back-up" avenues
including avenue Foch which leads on to the place de l'Etoile (arc de
Triomphe). This avenue was also absolutely packed. People were arriving
from all sides.
So, the space officially allocated
was too small, tensions rising, and the determination to be heard, growing.
Added to this, the disdain with which the government has treated this
debate since the start had brought many many people to boiling point.
Although the main cordon of the demonstration was relatively calm with
frequent messages from organisers to remain calm and peaceful, people
had had enough. And for all those outside of the official zone, there
was much frustration.
The Prefet de Police had refused
the organisers' request to occupy the Champs Elysées. Manuel Valls, Interior
Minister, had only days before the demonstration also retracted permission
to occupy half of the Place de l'Etoile (arc de Triomphe roundabout
from which the Champs Elysées depart) with a sniding remark that
the organisers "...just
go and demonstrate from Corbeil to Evry, you're not having the Etoile.
I decide !" (Corbeil and Evry are insignifcant minor towns in the "banlieus" of
In the weeks and days leading up to the demonstration, the media had
applied a blanket blackout. NOT ONE WORD on the upcoming momentous rally.
Fortunately we now have the Internet. Since January, protesters have
been posting photographs of banners stretching across motorway bridges
ALL OVER the country, every trip by President Hollande and his ministers
has been interrupted by hecklers. At a recent Book Fair, 2 protesters
presented the President (divorced from Ségolène Royal
with whom he has 4 children, and currently "living" with a companion
with whom he is neither married nor even civilly-contracted but who
lives the merry life on tax-payers money) with 2 books : "Marriage for
Dummies" and "Demonstrations for Dummies".
Back to the day. The pressure was mounting (space too small, so many
people, frustrations). The police at the Etoile were heavily outnumbered.
The huge swathe of people was pushing and pushing amidst shouts of "We
want the Champs Elysées". The police started to panic. Tear gas
was fired into the crowd and against the first rows to push them back.
And here it is important to counter the downright lies of the Interior
Ministry who dared to say that extremists had been involved. The primary
victims of the gas were parents and children, and the elderly. It was
a diabolical reaction by the police authorities.
As it turned out the gas attack was probably the trigger for the subsequent
events. News of the police actions reached the main cortège of
demonstrators very quickly via mobile phone. I was myself with my family
on the avenue of the Grande Armée, some 200 yards from the podium.
I received the news from a friend who had been separated from his wife
who had herself been victim of the gas. That was our cue. We made our
way through the crowds and in fact it was relatively easy to travel
around the Etoile in a large enough circle avoiding all the police barricades.
At this point, there had a begun a steady but constant and very calm
flow of demonstrators from all the overflows towards the Champs Elysées.
Now, whether the incomptent
authorities had really believed their own jibes prior to the event when
they said they were expecting only 100.000 people, or whether they were
actually encouraging scuffles to take place is unknown. The father of
a 14-year old who had to have artificial respiration administered for
1/2 an hour following the tear gas, spoke with a frank police officer.
Here's what he said:
"We're not used to this kind of demonstration. When you park too many
people in an inadequately-sized space, it's obvious that there will
be overspill and scuffles. They'll say there's 10.000 of you but in
truth there's more than a million people here. We know it, they know
it. It's a damn shambles throughout the gendarmerie and the police ;
we're managed by amateurs".
As the main show continued
on one side of the Arc de Triomphe, steadily a flow of demonstrators
was making it's way around the Etoile through the smaller axes, and
towards the Champs Elysées. The Champs
had been blocked at the Etoile by a barrage of HUNDREDS of police with
their vehicles but it was remarkably easy to simply walk around and
reach the famous Parisian avenue. The crowds on the Champs Elysées
grew. And with every new wave of arrivals cheered on by those flag-wavers
already there, more and more people filled it. By 5pm, the Champs Elysées
was FULL on 2/3 of it's length with THOUSANDS of demonstrators. The
police were at that point completely submerged and protesters even began
a sit-in on the tarmac preventing some CRS (anti-riot police) minivans
from departing the scene.
The crowds were jubilant and perfectly
well-behaved. The chants here, were however more determined and political
: "Hollande,
The Marseillaise was sung many times.
As word spread more and more people spilled onto the "plus belle avenue
du monde". The media speak of 10s of people. Don't believe them. There
are some AFP photos which prove that the Champs Elysées was swamped
with people, no traffic passing, all the way from the Etoile, right
down to the Franklin Roosevelt roundabout which leads off to the Elysée
Eventually, having occupied the terrain for over 2 hours, people started
to gather at the lower end of the avenue chanting "Apéro chez
François" (apéritif at François')!
People generally
dispersed around 6:30pm but a few hundred stayed on. Some even set up
their tents here, trying to start up a "French Spring" movement
but it didn't last long before the CRS finally moved everyone on at
The official organisers have "condemned" any scuffles that may have
happened and the overflow into the Champs Elysées (despite this
being practically blacked-out by the media).
It's sad to say, but the only way to grab the attention of the media
and the government is when it "gets out of hand".
This will not be the last of it... If
you want REAL information, visit www.lesalonbeige.blogs.com It's
full of photos, videos and the TRUE story on lots of news items.
(17th to 23rd May 2013) - “The Pentecost
pilgrimages are the most important annual events happening anywhere
in the world today.”
With acknowledgement to the Remnant
It begins on the day before Pentecost when thousands of traditional
Catholics from every corner of the world join their French brothers
and sisters at dawn beneath the spires of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Three
days later it ends in the city of Chartres, as some fifteen thousand
dust-covered traditionalists complete the challenging march and kiss
the stones of the ancient Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres. Much
of what happens in between defies description.
Yes, Europe is in the process of banishing the old Faith from her
shores! She’s
busy legalizing every conceivable human depravity, butchering her babies,
euthanizing her elderly, destroying the Christian family and the sacrament
of matrimony. And, yet, in the midst of all this putrefaction,
over the hill comes a jubilant band of thousands upon thousands of Catholic
pilgrims from every corner of the globe, marching six abreast, in a
column that takes an hour and a half to pass any given point, announcing
to the whole world that the old Faith is still alive and in rude and
hearty good health.
For three days, even secular France cannot ignore
this strange and wonderful pilgrim parade, flanked by countless priests
in muddied cassocks and purple stoles, the all but forgotten keepers
of Europe’s altars. Throngs
of scouts lovingly carry statues of Our Lady on their shoulders; banners
of the saints are raised high for all to see; pilgrims sing forgotten
hymns, renew broken vows, and celebrate Mass in the Rite of their forefathers,
saints and martyrs. The Pilgrimage to Chartres is fire in the
darkness that covers modern Europe.
The total cost is £250 (£125 for children). This
includes Coach travel to France, two night's hotel (B&B) accommodation
(one in Paris and one in Chartres), 2-nights tented accommodation, Pilgrimage
Registration, pilgrimage booklet, 3-course meal with a quarter bottle
of wine on Monday evening, a quartet of charming, erudite guides who
will take you places you never knew you wanted to go and return by Coach
Tuesday. It is the bargain of the millennium!
Plus, at no additional cost, spiritual direction and confessions on
the hoof, as many rosaries as you can manage, every hymn you ever thought
of singing, three magnificent traditional High Masses in breathtaking
settings (the memories of which you will take to the grave), All-night
Exposition, hearty French breakfast every morning, medical facilities,
wake-up calls, plenty of bread and water rations, hearty evening soup,
as much wine as you can carry (if you're quick), blisters, chilblains,
shin splints, bruises, aching muscles, in short, an unrivalled opportunity
for penance! - everything, in fact, for the
right-thinking Catholic to achieve salvation. What more could
one possibly ask?
Seventy miles may seem daunting, but that said, a nine year
old boy and a priest in his eighties completed the march with the British
contingent one year. And free transport is provided by gloating
Frenchmen for Brits who fall by the way side.
For free information pack, contact: CHARTRES 2013
27 First Avenue, AMERSHAM, HP7 9BL
Tel: 01494-729-223 or Email: Chartres@duc-in-altum.co.uk
Arbemus Papam
Joseph Shaw, the chairman of the
LMS, has written a splendid blog explaining the right attitude of Catholics
to the papacy: click
here to read. Nevertheless, I remain unconvinced that the
only alternative to being an unorthodox Catholic or a poorly instructed
Catholic is to be a Pollyanna one.
Our new pope certainly doesn’t
appear to be the “Dirty Harry” pope I had been praying for. I
didn’t come out of my seat punching the air when his name was announced,
as I did when Cardinal Ratzinger was elected - but that was more because
I knew the liberals would be needing valium to cope with the news.
One’s first impression is that
he is so quintessentially a Conciliar man that he has about as much chance
of stemming the current hemorrhaging away of Christ’s Body as a
man with a Kleenex tissue would have had of stemming the deluge of water
through the side of the Titanic. One fact we do know is that Cardinal
Bergoglio’s seminaries in Buenos Aires are empty. This in
a gloomy sort of way sums up the Conciliar church; the election to the
highest office in the Church of a man incapable of even inspiring “laborers” in
his own backyard. If that doesn't concern you,
then his eulogizing the writings of Cardinal Kasper, whom he described
as “a talented theologian, a good theologian”, should chill
the blood of any genuine Catholic. Kasper! – spare us Oh
Liturgically, my worst fear is that
he is another Philistine who will drag us back to the dark days of the “bread
and circus” liturgies of JP2, but we will have to wait and see. As
Paul VI’s doctrinally dumbed down, heretic-accommodating, banal,
man-centered Novus Ordo rite is the primary reasons we are in the current
mess, clearly this is an issue of the very gravest concern. However,
tempering that concern, I believe it will be impossible for him to reverse
Benedict XVI emancipation of the traditional Mass.
Pope Francis appears solid on current
hot-button moral issues: contraception, abortion and the latest bizarre
preoccupation of the metropolitan elite, sodomitical “marriage”. But
it is a measure of just how far we have sunk into mediocrity in the last
forty years that Catholics actually get excited that the pope is not
soft on such diabolical evils. However, against this we have the
usual pious sound bites about how we should all be kind to homosexuals,
which I don’t dispute for one minute, but we all have our own weaknesses
and sins, so why is this brand of sinner so frequently singled out by
our Conciliar shepherds for special affection? I know of no one
who feels it’s a good idea to round off a Saturday night out by
giving some poor homosexual a good kicking; no doubt such do exist and
shame on them. Indisputably, homosexuals are the focus of a disproportional
amount of violence, but almost all of that comes from within their own
The media has been eagerly telling
us that when Pope Francis was Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he moved out
of the Archbishops residence into a flat, cooked his own meals and commuted
by bus. It’s not made clear how taking on a flat in addition
to the Archbishops residence and firing the cook aided the poor. Personally,
I prefer ecclesiastics to wear their hair shirts under their vestments,
and I’m afraid the current fashion for social gospel posturing
leaves me cold. One can but cringe at the recollection of Cardinal
O’Brien jetting off on some carbon belching tour to promote global
warming awareness. It is all part of that “diabolical disorientation
of the Church starting at the top” of which Heaven has solemnly
warned us. Our Lord said, “What profited it a man to gain
the whole world, and yet lose his own soul.” Or in modern
street argot, “Being poor could be the very least of your problems
sunshine!” However, I suppose social gospel posturing could
be described as traditional, given that the very first example involving
a senior prelate came from Bishop Iscariot, who castigated Mary Magdalene
for spending too much on Our Lord, and suggested she would do better
to focus her ministry on the poor.
I’m maybe clutching at straws
but Pope Francis is reputed to have a great devotion to our Blessed Mother. If
that is true, dare we hope that he is the pope who at last will obey
Heaven and consecrate Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart? However,
there is even a downside here: he warmly welcomed the patently phony
Medjugorje seers to Argentina. Nevertheless, make of it what you
will, but he did unexpectedly stop and pray for some time at the tomb
of St Pius V - could there be a pope dearer to the hearts of traditionalists?
In the final analysis, it hardly matters. The
Conciliar church Pope Francis embodies is imploding before our eyes.
The Pollyanna Catholics who keep telling us how wonderful things are
(or soon will be) are like a band playing upbeat rock music on the decks
of the Titanic whilst up to their necks in rapidly rising water. Traditionalists
are growing steadily, but sadly nowhere near as fast as the Conciliar
church is imploding, so unhappily we must resign ourselves, humanly speaking,
to a smaller Church.
The tragedy is the Church did not
wither on the vine; it was killed off by Vatican 11, and by those for
whom the super-dogmas of Vatican II were, and still are, more important
than saving souls. When I became a Catholic over fifty years ago,
Mass attendance in England and Wales was over 3,000,000 and steadily
rising, now it is under 900,000 and rapidly declining, and that rapid
decline started the day after the Council closed its doors. Further,
the chances of finding orthodox men among those still going to Mass is
considerable less than the chances of finding a beef burger that is 100%
beef. I wonder how many Catholics are aware that the number of
priests in active ministry had shrunk by nearly 50% within a mere seven
years of the imposition of the Novus Ordo.
One thing this election may usefully
teach traditionalists is to stop wasting time looking longingly to Rome
for some pope on a white charger galloping over the hill to our rescue. We
are in the Conciliar church folks and that ain’t going to happen. Salvations
is from Christ and we must all roll our sleeves and pitch in to help
rebuild His devastated vineyard.
All Catholics have a obligation to
pray for our new pope, because, make no mistake, the wolves will already
be circling. And let’s never forget the grace of office:
Pius IX was elected on a liberal ticket and turned out to be one of the
greatest popes of the nineteenth century. And even Paul VI, the
pope who wantonly vandalized our liturgy, was notwithstanding able to
give us Humanae Vitae.
Sow seeds and leave the
harvest to God
Ten years ago, Fr Andrew
Southwell offered a traditional Mass in my home to celebrate our 35th
wedding anniversary. A friend invited a local Franciscan; the
one good man in a cesspool of dissent. That good man, about eight
years ago was put in charge of the Franciscan retreat centre at Pantasaph
near Holywell.
When I was leading a pilgrimage
to Holywell in 2012, the same good priest told me that both he and a
colleague were interested in learning to celebrate the traditional Mass. I
put him in touch with the delightful Canon Meaney ICRSP who was at the
time in charge of the Institute of Christ the King’s traditionalist
mission at New Brighton, some forty miles away.
Imagine my pleasure then when
I recently received the following poster. Please pass this on to
as many of your contacts as possible, especially if they live in the
North West and can easily access this retreat centre.

Errors in February’s
Many of you complained
that the following link entitled “if this doesn’t cheer you
up nothing will,” didn’t work. The reason it didn’t
work was because some junk DNA had attached itself to the link. If
it doesn’t work this time, remove anything that appears after the “html” bit.
Others complained that
the link to the very sobering lecture by Michael Voris on Hell didn’t
work. That was my fault, I tried to embed a video into an email,
which just goes to show what a technical dummy I am. The following
link should work: